A brief extract from my recollection

Garth Evans on the paradox of 'teaching' 

I then began to see that there was a remarkable paradox in the situation we had engineered; we had made a strange bargain in that we, as tutorsin order to facilitate the students’ creativity, had imposed strict limitations on ourselves. We were to be anonymous and to reveal nothing of our thoughts or opinionsWhile both students and tutors observed strict limits to their actions, the students were compensated for this by being provided with an arena within which they could act freely; the tutors on the other hand were given no comparable compensation for the constraints imposed on them. We were, however, compensated financially; it seemed a fair exchange.


  1. This may be brief but I think it is important. The point is that being in the role of "art teacher" is fraught, the position is too frequently (ab)used to boost the teacher's ego at the students expense.


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